Dennerle Complete Gourmet Menu for discus: The test


[one_third]Dennerle Gourmet Menu Fanatik-Discus[/one_third]


Suitable for most of aquarium fishes,

granulates Dennerle Complete Gourmet Menu have been tested on my discus for several weeks.

The unique composition of this food prompted me to test this new food from Dennerle on my fishes.

I propose you to discover the results and my opinion on this test.


Dennerle Complete Gourmet Menu: A unique composition

As I explained in the presentation of the range of Dennerle foods, the philosophy of the German brand is focused on the selection of raw materials.

The Complete Gourmet Menu, the Color Booster were the two granulates that my discus have tested.

The composition of Gourmet Menu really seduced me: 60% of crustacean and mollusc 4% of algae for a granulometry of 1 mm.

Arctic krill (31%), cuttlefish, gammarus, Daphnia, grasshoppers, Maggots, mussels, Artemia, mosquito larvae, but also algae, lemon balm, garlic, pollen, Spirulina, moringa etc…

This is what composed the Complete Gourmet Menu.

Not forgetting that this pellet contains Pediococcus acidilactici as Probiotic.

Krill content in food Dennerle

The test on my discus

For several weeks, I distributed the Complete Gourmet Menu granulates to my fishes.

I' share here my observations…

From a palatability point of view, my discus have quickly adopted this new food.

Accustomed to dry food, they however do not always like change’food

In this case, the granulate was appreciated from the second day of distribution.

The granules Dennerle gourmet menu

About half of granulates flowing gently in contact with the surface of the water while the rest floats some time.

I was unable to do scientifically valid testing, but the assimilation of the’food seems to be very good with regard to the volume of feces found at the bottom of my aquariums.

Indeed, the fishes that have tested the Dennerle granulates live in a bare bottom tank. It was therefore easy to control feces that remain at the bottom of my aquariums.

Feces were firm consistency and well molded, sign of a good transit.

One thing remain however to work at the level of grain size. The’food is still a bit crumbly and makes the granulate with a quite heterogeneous grain size.

The discus who have tested the Gourmet Menu were a good dozen centimeters in size. A granulometry size of 1 mm is a little small for that kind of Discus size. Some fishes of 4/5 CM will have for their part no worries to eat granulates of this size.

You will understand it, I am overall satisfied of Gourmet Menu from Dennerle.

The granulometry is the weak point of this dry food . However, distributed to discus of small size, You can benefit from all the advantages of this granulate off standard…

As a prevention of digestive problems for fry of discus, This kind of’food seems to be in my personal opinion totally appropriate.

smiley I love 1) Composition of granulate, 2) Presence of Probiotic,

3) Palatability, 4) Digestibility

smilley I do not like 1) Food slightly crumbly becoming an heterogeneous grain size.


If you also have made the test, do not hesitate to leave your comments and observations here!


Yann Hoiret

About Author

Discus Breeder and Discus columnist, Yann Hoiret share on the website Fanatik-Discus his experience and passion for the King of aquariums. From 2014 He worked as a writer for the french magazine "AquaMag", the German magazines "Discus Live" and "Discus yearbook". He participated as an international judge in France Discus show 2014 and 2016 in Arvert, au Greek Discus Show 2014, 2024 in Athens, Discus Show in Paris Grigny 2015, 2017 and 2019, 2024 au FIDO concurso 2016, 2017 and 2018 Spain, au Nordic Discus Show 2018 Sweden, au France Discus Show 2018 Cognac, at the Discusvrienden Discus competition VIVARIUM 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023, 2024 in the Netherlands, at the Online Ceylon Discus Club international competition Sri-Lanka 2024, and the Nusatic 2024 in Jakarta Indonesia.

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