Photos and videos of my discus / Pictures and videos of my discus fishs

Discus breeding: My little discus hatchery
Discus breeding very became quickly a challenge for me. Aquarium since my young…
Photos and videos of my discus / Pictures and videos of my discus fishs
Discus breeding very became quickly a challenge for me. Aquarium since my young…
Still looking for improvements, I have this year tried a new crossing to continue…
As you know, I regularly publish some videos or pictures of my small breeding…
My small breeding of Discus Red Melon continues to evolve. I propose you to discover…
As you know I love the discus of red varieties… Regularly, I propose to you via…
Hi all! Some of you have recently asked my last young discus news…
Birth 2011/2012 After having selected a few fish born in 2010/2011, I decide…
My discus red melon born at home… Femelle eds melons
MOM and her babies…